Of Values and Vanity
Take a look at any website, brochure, or board member handbook, and you’ll likely find a mission, vision, and a list of core values. Sometimes these statements come from deep reflection and a real commitment to doing good in the world. Other times, they seem more like marketing language—something meant to look good on paper.…
Read MoreRelationships Are Foundational
In a time of growing division and isolation, it’s easy to forget that human societies have always depended on relationships—especially between groups. From ancient trade routes to cross cultural discussions, history shows us that thriving communities aren’t just built on individual connections but on how whole groups interact, collaborate, and find common ground. The Rippel…
Read MoreCertain Inalienable Rights
I have the cane that Rabbi Levine carved for Father Treacy. It sits beside me now. On it, he carved these words: The road to God is paved with love Unity in diversity These two men dedicated their lives to bringing people together. By unity, they didn’t mean sameness. They meant that we can bring…
Read MoreMy Journey to Let’s Go Together
My journey to our recent Let’s Go Together event began over ten years ago. In my work to counter anti-Muslim bigotry, I witnessed the deepening social distance between us. This distance left us vulnerable to dehumanizing narratives, slander, and growing fear. Through this work, I found companionship with people of many traditions and cultures who, like me,…
Read MoreOrganic Growth
We are preparing for the next Let’s Go Together gathering this week. The food is ordered, supplies are ready, and we are working on table assignments. Table facilitators are getting ready. So far, we have 80 people registered! These registrants come from many wisdom traditions, cultures, economic circumstances, life experiences, ages, and identities. …
Read MoreCultivate Deep Joy
These are heavy times for many people. In nearly every meeting I attend, I hear stories of fear, pain, and the erosion of love for our neighbors. People see communities retreating inward, turning away from the shared responsibility to care for one another. I have heard: This list came easily. We all could add to…
Read MoreResponding to this Moment: Part 2
Last week I spoke about some of the inner resources and strategic approaches we need to sustain long-term work on the big challenge of social isolation. I want to wrap up this reflection on responses by talking about the central tactics of Paths to Understanding’s work. We are aiming to create a cohesive set of…
Read MoreResponding to this Moment: Part 1
Over the next few weeks, I want to move from talking about the problem – (individual) loneliness and (group) isolation in our country – to looking at solutions. What can we – Paths to Understanding, local leaders, ordinary citizens – do to respond to this challenge? And importantly, how do we go about responding in…
Read MoreMeeting this Moment: Part 3
In my last couple blog posts, I talked about how existing community groups like churches and service organizations might be our best hope for addressing the dual crises of (individual) loneliness and (group) isolation in our country. Upon further reflection, I realized it’s important to delve deeper into how we’ve reached our current state before…
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