How You Can Help Today
Your monetary donation to Paths to Understanding helps provide training, support, and education to communities of wisdom.
When you donate money, you're with us as we engage with each community, congregation, and individual. Your support makes it possible.
Your donation is tax-deductible. Paths to Understanding is a 501(c)3 non-profit, our Tax Identification Number is 91-6085591.

Why Should You Donate to PTU?
Choose hope! At PTU, we know how to bring people together and build trust. The more people support this work, the greater our momentum as we overcome division and work towards the common good.
Your recurring donation allows us to spend less time fundraising and more time doing what matters most to you: organizing multi-faith partners for unity and justice.
Give a Legacy
You can make a bequest to Paths to Understanding by including language in your will or living trust leaving a portion of your estate, or by designating Paths to Understanding as a beneficiary of your retirement account or life insurance policy.
Some of the advantages of creating a bequest include:
- It costs you nothing now and promises you the fortune of knowing you have provided for a more peaceful future
- You keep control of and use of your assets during your lifetime
- You can update your bequest anytime you want
- Estate gifts are exempt from federal estate taxes
Contact us to let us know of your plans. Thank you.