Science and Religion and the Vaccine
There was a battle for who owned truth brewing in the the 19th century. On one side, people said that the scientific method was the only possible way to truth. On the other side, people said that religion based in a revelation from God was the only possible way to truth. As with most battles,…
Read MoreIslam and Women’s Rights
In the 7th Century CE, Islam ushered in a package of women’s rights, including:
the right to own property,
the right to inheritance
the right to choose who to marry
the right to divorce
the right to child custody
the right to an education
Who Represents Islam?
The Taliban no more represent mainstream interpretations of Islam than Westboro Baptist, The KKK, or the Lord’s Liberation Army represent mainstream Christianity.
Read MoreWorking for Change With Courage and Humility
When we can step back from our first reaction of denial and defensiveness and realize that our institutions are not perfect, we can do our part of work for a more perfect lived reality. When we can step back from our anger and realize our own imperfections and let go of our search for purity, we will find more partners to work for a more perfect lived reality.
Read MoreWhat is the Goal of Interfaith Work?
While it won’t be as easy as making the coffee maker work (it was a GFI issue), it is more meaningful to be working on the central issue. Many in the interfaith world, in my opinion, continue to operate as if relationship or conversation is the primary outcome of interfaith work. That is not a bad thing. But I have come to believe that we must see our work in a larger frame, and work for a clearer goal: to work for institutional and structural change through multi-faith relationships
Read MoreGaslighting About Critical Race Theory
Some are gaslighting us about CRT. But we won’t be distracted from learning, from being uncomfortable, from doing our work to make a more perfect union, from recognizing the human identity and human rights of all.
Read MoreHarnessing the Power of Faith to Meet Eco-Anxiety
What is your community of wisdom doing for the environment? Are your faith leaders talking about climate change? Â
I was recently introduced to the work of Dekila Chungyalpa, a conservationist and practicing Buddhist who founded the Sacred Earth program at the World Wildlife Fund and the Loka Initiative for the integration of faith and ecology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Chungyalpa recognized the untapped potential in engaging religious communities in environmental work.
Read MoreA New Consciousness is Possible
My generation is scared of climate change. But we are also taking action.
Read MoreClimate Change is a Justice Issue
Climate change increases fear, uncertainty, and competition for natural and social resources. This increases the likelihood of scapegoating, inequality, and conflict within and between communities. Climate change also disproportionately impacts the most impoverished and disenfranchised communities, and it’s directly related to colonialism, racism, and the caste system.
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