What is the Meaning of Jesus’s Invitation to Discipleship?
We’ll draw out the meaning of Jesus’s invitation to discipleship “the kingdom of God has come near; repent and trust and act in the good news.” Explore Jesus as a first-century leader within the Abrahamic Tradition. [Terry Kylo]
Read MoreAn Introduction to Judaism and the First Abrahamic Traditions
Rabbi Yohanna Kinberg of Kol Ami in Kirkland, WA offers an introduction to Judaism. Yohanna uses stories and sacred texts to get to the heart of the first of the Abrahamic traditions. She will explore how Jewish communities respond to changes over time in deep conversation with the past, present and future. Since so much…
Read MoreThe How and Why of Interfaith
The fact is that there are many wisdom traditions on the Earth and many more wisdom communities guided by one of them. We are not only “neighbors” but are living in the same neighborhoods. Why is it important for wisdom communities to work together? How can we bring the best of our traditions into the…
Read MoreCampaign for Paths to Understanding
Our mission at Paths to Understanding is to Bridge Bias and Build Unity through Multi-faith Peacemaking. We do our work through Telling Inspiring Stories Nurturing Relationships Acting Together We believe interaction with other wisdom communities enriches and deepens our commitment to our own. We believe each tradition offers gifts for the common good, when we…
Read MoreWisdom from the Neighborhood: Jim Dean of Interfaith Family Shelter and Luke Hyder
A conversation between Terry Kyllo and Jim Director of the Interfaith Family Center and Luke Hyder of Cascade View Presbyterian Church about the work of the Shelter and how they partner with churches to meet the needs of those facing a lack of a home. Learn more about the work of Interfaith Family Shelter…
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