Blog Posts

The Growth of an Interfaith Friendship by Father William Treacy

February 7, 2020

The Growth of an Interfaith Friendship by Father William Treacy Father William Treacy and Rabbi Raphael Levine have shown the world that interfaith friendship, collaboration, and brotherhood, are wholly positive constructs. This book represents their journey together, with reflections on the past, and hopes for the future. Rabbi Levine and Father Treacy came from different backgrounds,…

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Pastor Terry Kyllo and Pastor Kelle Brown on White Supremacy

January 9, 2020

Ed Bremer talks with Pastor Kelle Brown, Lead Pastor of Plymouth Church, United Church of Christ, Pastor Terry Kyllo, Director of Neighbors in Faith, and Jim Wallis author of “America’s Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege and the Bridge to a New America. The discuss racism, white privilege and community reconciliation.  

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Responding to 2017 Alt-Right Rally

January 8, 2020 Local religious leaders denounce upcoming alt-right rally Author: Ryan Takeo Published: 10:36 PM PDT June 6, 2017 Updated: 10:51 PM PDT June 6, 2017 Several local interfaith leaders stand united against this weekend’s planned “March Against Sharia” rally. “We stand with our Muslim neighbors,” said Rev. Carol Jensen, co-chair of the Faith Action Network.…

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Sermon at Holy Spirit Lutheran Church

January 1, 2020

Pastor Terry Kyllo’s Sermon at Holy Spirit Lutheran Church, Kirland, WA.

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Marysville Interfaith Service for Healing

January 1, 2020 Prayer service held for students, community 4 months after deadly Marysville-Pilchuck shooting Posted 8:18 PM, February 24, 2015, by Tina Patel, Updated at 09:50PM, February 24, 2015 MARYSVILLE — Four months after the deadly shooting at Marysville-Pilchuck High School, students and community members came together Tuesday night at an interfaith prayer service to try…

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Terms of Compassion – Faces Behind the Fear: Part One

December 17, 2018

Challenge 2.0 airs on MeTV on Sunday Mornings at 7:30 AM. ‘Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free’. So begins the inscription on the Statue of Liberty. But it is difficult to reconcile that promise with reality in this country, this year. In this edition of Challenge 2.0, ‘Terms…

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Reclaiming Christmas

December 17, 2018

Americans are expected to spend more than 700 billion dollars on Christmas gifts this year. That’s an average of 16 million dollars every minute. The sense of disquiet over the commercialized version of the Christian Holy Day, a season often beginning before Halloween, is not new. The Puritans cancelled Christmas for 22 years in Boston,…

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When Money Speaks with Faith – Part Two

December 17, 2018

Last week, we explored the growing dissatisfaction with corporate misbehavior. Some within the faith community are increasingly recognizing what legal scholars have long pointed out; that the legal consequences for unethical and even criminal behavior by corporations and corporate leaders are typically far less certain or severe than for the same actions by people. What…

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When Money Speaks with Faith

December 17, 2018

In the 2010 ‘Citizens United’ case, the Supreme Court ruled that Corporations are ‘people’. But some legal scholars point out that the legal consequences for misbehavior by corporate ‘people’ are typically far less certain or severe than for such misbehavior by flesh and blood people. An increasing number of Americans are confronting such preferential treatment.…

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