There is Only One

But there is really only one humanity. There is only ONE. It is not just a concept but a vision that inspires us to act. It inspires us to risk for one another’s humanity in this moment

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Stand with our Jewish and Muslim Neighbors

Recently we have seen a terrifying growth in antisemitic violence. The conflict between the State of Israel and Hamas has, predictably, energized and focused some to act out against our American Jewish siblings. This does not just impact the immediate victims, but the whole Jewish community – and indeed all people of color and religious minorities. It makes everyone less safe as the vine of hate grows stronger

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How Art is at the Heart of Jewish and Islamic Traditions

Islam artwork. Looks like carved wood.

Amina and Rainer share their stories about how art became a crucial part of their lives and why art is such an important part of being human and forming human community. They discuss the sensibilities that help frame art in these traditions, especially about the human form in art. They will then describe the sessions…

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An Introduction to Judaism and the First Abrahamic Traditions

An open book with the Judea star

Rabbi Yohanna Kinberg of Kol Ami in Kirkland, WA offers an introduction to Judaism. Yohanna uses stories and sacred texts to get to the heart of the first of the Abrahamic traditions. She will explore how Jewish communities respond to changes over time in deep conversation with the past, present and future. Since so much…

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Anacortes City Council Resolution

Thank you to the City Council of Anacortes who voted 6 to 1 to approve resolution 2060, the 35 people who showed up in support and the 8 people who spoke. Justice Kennedy wrote that while hate speech (not including intimidation or threats) needs a remedy and a safeguard: “… our reliance must be on…

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