The Gift of Adaptive Leadership

Every time we turn around, we seem to be in challenging times. Every time we turn around there seems to be something more that threatens to divide us even further. Increasingly, I find myself running out of ways to be adaptive. And I am exhausted. For over a decade, I have worked with young people…

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Faith Leaders: Time to Get in the Game

I was ordained 32 years ago and have since heard many conversations about the diminishing influence of wisdom traditions in the US. There are numerous reasons for this, which I won’t list here. While some find ancient traditions less relevant, many others still yearn for meaning, mystery, and community—feelings sometimes found at concerts or sporting…

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Resisting Collective Blame

For the past decade, my focus has been on understanding and combating dehumanization in Washington State and across the United States. During times of conflict, communities here become more susceptible to threats and violence. Just last week, I had conversations with a young Palestinian Muslim woman and a Jewish woman, both of whom expressed feeling…

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Will We Mend the Tears?

According to the latest FBI report on hate crimes, such crimes have reached the highest level since the government began tracking them in the early 1990s. This is the insidious effect of dehumanization. It propagates the notion that certain groups are dangerous, justifying harassment, oppression, and violence against them. Although most people exposed to dehumanizing…

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A Jewish Perspective on PTU’s Strategy

As I sit down to write this, I am struck by how much has happened over the last many months. This country and our world are experiencing hatred at an alarming rate. Whether it is between political parties, racial groups, or religions, we are more segregated than we have been in years. The divides between…

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When to Speak

I asked my Jewish and Muslim friends what they thought I should do at Holden in this week. Should I lead a study of the Christian scriptures or not? We all agreed that people had listened well, had been respectful, and curious when they engaged with both Islamic and Jewish teachings. But then my partners agreed with this: We need Christian leaders to model how to be Christian AND to be in conversation with, and to learn with, people of other traditions.

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