Not All that Glitters

About a year ago I had a conversation on the Paths to Understanding Podcast with Dr. Bill Clark of Peace Catalyst and a Uyghur who is living in the United States. In that episode, we heard about how the government of China has placed many Uyghurs into internment camps. According to the UN, China has…

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Soldiers of Slander

We are not powerless against the forces of dehumanization: our ancient traditions offer both warning and wisdom to help us stand together–empowered by our common humanity.

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From All Directions

I have been talking with lots of people over the last year. Many are experiencing dehumanization of their group coming from many directions. At PTU we use the term “dehumanization” to refer to a process that some scholars call “Dangerous Speech.” It is a process in which a group is referred to as an “other”,…

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Checking Our Sample Size

Our minds take in these sources of information and we often assume that they are statistically representative of the people around us. We can then be deceived by about the very neighbors we long to relate to, but find ourselves fearful of.

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There is Only One

But there is really only one humanity. There is only ONE. It is not just a concept but a vision that inspires us to act. It inspires us to risk for one another’s humanity in this moment

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Partnering for Advocacy

Advocacy is an effective tool we can use as allies. Policies often further dehumanization and inequality, but they can also be a tool for justice. Paths to Understanding and The Faith Action Network are launching an on-demand mini course that will teach you How to Advocate for Change through legislative bodies at local, state and federal levels.

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