Let’s Go Together
Organic Growth
We are preparing for the next Let’s Go Together gathering this week. The food is ordered, supplies are ready, and we are working on table assignments. Table facilitators are getting ready. So far, we have 80 people registered! These registrants come from many wisdom traditions, cultures, economic circumstances, life experiences, ages, and identities. …
Read MoreCultivate Deep Joy
These are heavy times for many people. In nearly every meeting I attend, I hear stories of fear, pain, and the erosion of love for our neighbors. People see communities retreating inward, turning away from the shared responsibility to care for one another. I have heard: This list came easily. We all could add to…
Read MoreResponding to this Moment: Part 2
Last week I spoke about some of the inner resources and strategic approaches we need to sustain long-term work on the big challenge of social isolation. I want to wrap up this reflection on responses by talking about the central tactics of Paths to Understanding’s work. We are aiming to create a cohesive set of…
Read MoreResponding to this Moment: Part 1
Over the next few weeks, I want to move from talking about the problem – (individual) loneliness and (group) isolation in our country – to looking at solutions. What can we – Paths to Understanding, local leaders, ordinary citizens – do to respond to this challenge? And importantly, how do we go about responding in…
Read MoreMeeting this Moment: Part 3
In my last couple blog posts, I talked about how existing community groups like churches and service organizations might be our best hope for addressing the dual crises of (individual) loneliness and (group) isolation in our country. Upon further reflection, I realized it’s important to delve deeper into how we’ve reached our current state before…
Read MoreMeeting the Moment: Part 2
In today’s society, many people are experiencing a profound sense of loneliness and a lack of community. This growing isolation has been recognized as a significant public health concern, with experts highlighting its impact on mental and physical well-being. I recall sitting with a man who had spent his life managing a large international company.…
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