The Potluck Project
Antidote to Polarization
Our team and I recently attended the Episcopal General Convention to promote our Potluck for Democracy, our media, and my book, “Go and Do Likewise.” Both at the convention and here locally, some have asked if a religious organization should “engage in politics.” First, this question highlights how the poison of negativity and polarization has…
Read MoreUnder Fear
This week, I’m at the Episcopal Convention in Louisville, KY, together with our Dir. of Youth Engagement, Hannah, and our Dir. of Media, Ean. We are meeting with current and prospective partner organizations and testing how PTU’s Potluck for Democracy initiative can serve communities in the social context of Louisville and that region. As we…
Read MoreDeep Breath
This spring has been so busy for PTU. We are now moving into a phase of spreading the word about the Potluck across the nation. We want to help individuals and community organizations to find their power to come together and strengthen our democracy and communities. Hannah, Ean (our Director of Media), and I will…
Read MoreAmending the Soil
A few years ago I had a big moss problem in my yard. I live north of Seattle, so moss is hardly a surprise. But it was taking over the yard to the degree that the grass could no longer grow. My eighty-five year old neighbor came over the the hedge between our properties. He…
Read MoreStrategic Void
I’ve been involved in numerous presentations addressing the threat of what’s often termed Christian Nationalism to our democracy. This ideology seeks to establish a governance model where Christians permanently hold power, fostering what David Elcott describes as an “illiberal democracy” where everyone’s rights hinge on the whims of a ruling, Christian elite. I want to…
Read MoreOur Assets
The vast majority of people in this nation care about our neighbors, respect people’s rights, and long for a better world. This same majority feels like we are helpless to strengthen our democracy. But wait! We live in every neighborhood. We are the answer we have been looking for! What if people in every neighborhood…
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