On Thursday, May 10 we taped 3 pilot episodes of the new Challenge 2.0 Program. Challenge 2.0 gathers panelists from diverse perspectives to discuss the important topics of the day. Our first taping day covered
- Untangling White-Supremacy from the Church
- Me Too: How Can Faith Communities Respond
- Hope and Despair in an Overwhelming World
Our moderator is Jeff Renner, retired weather person from KING 5 News. Our panelists included:
- Rabbi Yohanna Kinberg, Kol Ami
- Imam Adam Jamal, Muslim Association of Puget Sound
- The Rev. Dr. Kelle Brown, Plymouth Congregational Church, United Church of Christ
- Dr. Catherine Punsalan, Seattle University
- Rev. Patricia Simpson, University Temple United Methodist Church
- Pastor Terry Kyllo, Executive Director, Treacy Levine Center, and a Lutheran and Episcopal Pastor
Airing information coming soon!
Posted in Challenge 2.0 Show