Bridging Bias and Building Unity Through Multi-Faith Peacemaking

Our Mission

Social change begins with local leadership. When leaders are equipped with knowledge, communication skills, and support networks, they can interrupt bias and hate in their communities

    • We bridge bias by countering disinformation and fear with facts, empathy, and personal relationships.


    • We build unity by bringing people from different wisdom traditions together around shared values.


    • We support social justice by teaching leaders, individuals, and groups how to be authentic allies and work together for social change.

What is a Wisdom Tradition?

A set of remembered stories, deep truths, practices, probing questions, and a capacity for self-critique exploring how human beings can live with meaning, community, and care for the earth. These include Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism, Christianity, Islam, Taoism, Indigenous, agnostic, atheist and humanist and many other traditions.  Communities of Wisdom: Local or regional groups gathered around a particular wisdom tradition.

Go and Do Likewise – Following Jesus into our Common Humanity

In his latest book, Paths to Understanding’s executive director, Reverend Terry Kyllo, tells the story of his journey out of white Christian Supremacy and responds to the question, “Is it okay for faithful Christians to be in relationship with other religious traditions?” 

    • Rev. Kyllo writes:   


      “I was born into White Christian Supremacy. But I was not born for it. You weren’t either. The Creator has more beautiful ways for us to live and is restoring what was taken from us. Jesus invites his followers to take the long, painful, joyous, and healing journey of daily baptism to find our identity among all the Creator’s children, all made in God’s image.”  

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Choose hope! At PTU, we know how to bring people together and build trust. The more people support this work, the greater our momentum as we overcome division and work towards the common good.

Most Recent

My Journey to Let’s Go Together

March 3, 2025

My journey to our recent Let’s Go Together event began over ten years ago. In my work to counter anti-Muslim bigotry, I witnessed the deepening social distance between us. This distance left us vulnerable to dehumanizing narratives, slander, and growing fear. Through this work, I found companionship with people of many traditions and cultures who, like me,…

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