Islamophobia: Not Just a Muslim Problem
Airs on MeTV on Sunday, on November 25. Prejudice, hatred and violence directed toward Muslim-Americans existed well before 9/11. However Islamophobia has greatly expanded since the 2001 attacks on the World Trace Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. What are the roots of Islamophobia, what is the damage done-not just to…
Read MoreChallenge 2.0: From Me to We
How can we bridge the challenges we face and come together as one human family? How can we see our differences as gifts to be enjoyed rather than feared?  Father William Treacy, Aneelah Afzali, Rabbi Danny Weiner and Pastor Terry Kyllo participated in the discussion with Jeff Renner moderated the panel. MeTV Chanel List Host:  Jeff Renner…
Read MoreFaith and Activism, Lessons from the 1960’s (Part Two)
In our previous Challenge 2.0 episode, we examined the interconnection of activism, faith and the media during the turbulent era of the 1960’s. We revisited the faith and hope that lived in so many, perhaps expressed best by Dr. Martin Luther King, Junior who said ‘Only when it is dark enough can you see the…
Read MoreFaith and Activism, Lessons from the 1960s (Part one)
‘Only when it is dark enough can you see the stars’. That line came from the last speech delivered by Dr. Martin Luther King, Junior-one day before he was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. It recognized the and confronted the injustice, prejudice and alienation prevalent in the 1960’s…the hope that change was possible, and the…
Read MoreChallenge 2.0 Promotional Materials
Please help us to share the wisdom of the faith leaders, members of wisdom traditions and other community leaders. With Challenge 2.0, we seek to bring fresh wisdom for Today’s Challenges in a world weary of bad news and divisive speech. Logo: Facebook Image: Flyer: (Download the PDF) Challenge 2.0 flyer Final 8 18 Words…
Read MoreChallenge 2.0 Promo
Challenge 2.0 premiers Sunday July 22nd at 7:30 AM on MeTV, carried through cable providers as well as DirectTV and Dish Network. MeTV Chanel List Challenge 2.0 Overview The Treacy Levine Center, in partnership with Weigel Broadcasting and Seattle Community Cable TV, is announcing the Challenge 2.0. With host Jeff Renner, panelists from many traditions will gather…
Read MoreMe Too: Next Steps for Faith Communities
Episode 3: Me Too: Next Steps for Faith Communities Cosby, Weinstein, Rose, Lauer and O’Reilly. Just a few of the ‘big names’ outed as sexual predators. The list has come from a range of industries and professions-including film, television, journalism, religion, law, medicine, literature and politics. If one reaction has been ‘surprise and dismay’, another…
Read MoreReligion, Race and Politics are Tearing Seattle Apart. Or Are they…?
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Read MoreUntangling White Supremacy and Christianity
Episode 2: Untangling White Supremacy and Christianity The White Nationalism movement has emerged from obscurity to a very vocal and public movement. Although some faith leaders have strongly denounced White Nationalism and its’ tactics, others have either been silent or accepting of the movement. In this episode of Challenge 2.0, three faith leaders respond to…
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