Blog Posts

Announcing Youth Engagement Program

January 24, 2024

A few years ago, I sat down at a coffee shop with some disgruntled high school students. When I asked them what was wrong, they informed me that they were tired of being called “cute.” I smiled quietly and listened to their frustrations.   There is a deep truth to what they were sharing. For…

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This Is the Year

January 16, 2024

My first day as executive director of PTU was almost exactly six years ago. The board and I knew we had a lot of work ahead of us. The key issues at hand: We started with educational engagements to help groups listen deeply to each other. With the leadership of Jeff Renner, we established our…

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Burning Passion

January 10, 2024

In 2015 I felt a burning passion in my heart, my bones, my soul. I saw increasing divisions in our society. I saw the dehumanization of Muslims, Jews, Indigenous and so many more. I knew that we were on a path that leads to fear and violence. We are still on that path now. Many…

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Go and Do Likewise

January 3, 2024

Go and Do Likewise: Following Jesus into our Common Humanity By Terry B. Kyllo Executive Director, Paths to Understanding Formats: Print, eBook, and Audio Book Available: Wherever books are sold Schedule a conversation with the author for your congregation or organization: Description: We don’t have to live divided! We are living in a time…

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Faith Leaders: Time to Get in the Game

January 2, 2024

I was ordained 32 years ago and have since heard many conversations about the diminishing influence of wisdom traditions in the US. There are numerous reasons for this, which I won’t list here. While some find ancient traditions less relevant, many others still yearn for meaning, mystery, and community—feelings sometimes found at concerts or sporting…

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Winter Newsletter 2023

December 26, 2023

Click HERE to read our Winter 2023 print newsletter. WHAT’S INSIDE: Please consider making a contribution to our winter fund drive. Donors receive the printed version of our biannual newsletter. DONATE HERE

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Neighborhood Emergency

December 19, 2023

In the last two months, we have seen over 2,000 antisemitic incidents in the United States.In the last two months, we have seen over 2,000 anti-Muslim incidents in the United States. Our Jewish and Muslim neighbors are often spending $1,000 per week on security. Individual members of each tradition have to consider carefully if they will…

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Permission For Violence

November 30, 2023

Recently, someone came to me concerned about the rise in antisemitism and anti-Muslim sentiment in our country. We discussed how influential figures, including some in the media, can inadvertently promote these biases. For instance, there’s concern about conflating Muslims with extremist groups or making insensitive remarks about Jewish communities. This person had heard my talks…

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Countering Collective Blame

November 14, 2023

A few weeks ago, I encouraged people to show support for Jews and Muslims in the United States: to show up – with permission – and stand outside places of worship holding signs of support. Since then, we have seen increased acts of violence against both of these communities. Look at the news, even locally,…

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