Winter Newsletter 2023
Click HERE to read our Winter 2023 print newsletter. WHAT’S INSIDE: Please consider making a contribution to our winter fund drive. Donors receive the printed version of our biannual newsletter. DONATE HERE
Read MoreNeighborhood Emergency
In the last two months, we have seen over 2,000 antisemitic incidents in the United States.In the last two months, we have seen over 2,000 anti-Muslim incidents in the United States. Our Jewish and Muslim neighbors are often spending $1,000 per week on security. Individual members of each tradition have to consider carefully if they will…
Read MorePermission For Violence
Recently, someone came to me concerned about the rise in antisemitism and anti-Muslim sentiment in our country. We discussed how influential figures, including some in the media, can inadvertently promote these biases. For instance, there’s concern about conflating Muslims with extremist groups or making insensitive remarks about Jewish communities. This person had heard my talks…
Read MoreCountering Collective Blame
A few weeks ago, I encouraged people to show support for Jews and Muslims in the United States: to show up – with permission – and stand outside places of worship holding signs of support. Since then, we have seen increased acts of violence against both of these communities. Look at the news, even locally,…
Read MoreEat & Share Stories
This past Sunday, a dozen Council members for Let’s Go Together in Skagit County, and volunteers from the community, gathered at Skagit Valley College to Eat and Share Stories – the first official event in our Let’s Go Together program (LGT). The purpose of this pilot gathering was to test our strategy and logistics in…
Read MorePower and Inadequacy of a Calling
This past month, like many of you, I’ve been mourning the loss of lives in Gaza and Israel. My heart aches for peace there, just as it does for Ukraine, the Uyghurs in China, civil conflicts in Central Africa, and other troubled places around the world. I also yearn for us to truly live up…
Read MoreTime to Get Off Our Pews
This week I am writing primarily to my Christian siblings. It is also applicable to other traditions. But some responsibilities come with being the majority wisdom tradition. Our Jewish and Muslim neighbors need us. They need us now. I have spoken at length about dehumanization and how it leads to violence. We are in a…
Read MoreResisting Collective Blame
For the past decade, my focus has been on understanding and combating dehumanization in Washington State and across the United States. During times of conflict, communities here become more susceptible to threats and violence. Just last week, I had conversations with a young Palestinian Muslim woman and a Jewish woman, both of whom expressed feeling…
Read MoreHumbled by Humanity
My heart is heavy about events in the world this last week. My heart breaks at the violence Hamas is inflicting upon Israeli civilians and the hostages and their families. My heart breaks at the deep pain of the Palestinian people and their situation. There are so many layers of history, missed opportunities, and trauma…
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