Love casts out fear.
But love is more than a slogan, a meme, or a scolding comment. True love is built in person-to-person and group-to-group relationships.
Most of us feel lonely. Most groups don’t connect with others outside their circles. After centuries of layered dehumanization and constant negative news about each other, it’s no wonder we’re fearful.
Love casts out fear.
But love must be experienced. From the beginning of human history, people have sat down to meals to turn strangers, even enemies, into friends.
Today, we need a change of heart in how we see and treat one another. But change moves at the pace of relationships.
In churches, mosques, temples, and community centers, there are meeting spaces across every town and neighborhood – at least 400,000 across the country. We have what it takes to bring people together to experience love across lines of difference.
You can join us in effecting this change of heart. You can begin building relationships by hosting a Potluck Project gathering (formerly Potluck for Democracy). There, over food and conversation, we are seeing love cast out fear .
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