New Orientation

I almost always know what direction I am facing. As I write this, I am facing north by northeast. I learned this skill when I was driving a wheat truck in sixth grade. The farm I worked on was in the Palouse hills, and the farmers owned thousands of acres. They would tell me to…

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Louisville Potluck

We held our first Potluck for Democracy in Louisville, KY last week. We were hosted by Mosaic, a church that is also an art gallery and community space. By gathering people across many wisdom traditions, we had a broad range of political perspectives. But we did not focus our conversation on policy, ideology, or party…

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Under Fear

This week, I’m at the Episcopal Convention in Louisville, KY, together with our Dir. of Youth Engagement, Hannah, and our Dir. of Media, Ean. We are meeting with current and prospective partner organizations and testing how PTU’s Potluck for Democracy initiative can serve communities in the social context of Louisville and that region. As we…

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Click HERE to read our Spring 2024 print newsletter. WHAT’S INSIDE: Please consider making a contribution to our winter fund drive. Donors receive the printed version of our biannual newsletter. DONATE HERE

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Now and Next

Twenty people gathered on a beautiful evening in Skagit County. They gathered as the LGT Skagit Council to offer feedback and vision for Let’s Go Together in Skagit County. These twenty people represented many, but not all of the groups in Skagit County: people of diverse wisdom traditions, cultures, life circumstances, and identities. After 1.5…

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Strategic Void

I’ve been involved in numerous presentations addressing the threat of what’s often termed Christian Nationalism to our democracy. This ideology seeks to establish a governance model where Christians permanently hold power, fostering what David Elcott describes as an “illiberal democracy” where everyone’s rights hinge on the whims of a ruling, Christian elite. I want to…

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