A Jewish Perspective on PTU’s Strategy

As I sit down to write this, I am struck by how much has happened over the last many months. This country and our world are experiencing hatred at an alarming rate. Whether it is between political parties, racial groups, or religions, we are more segregated than we have been in years. The divides between…

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Hopeful Beginnings

This week we began our conversations in Skagit County to form a local multi-faith partnership. Local groups are putting together a planning team that will lead communities with different wisdom traditions to do partnership activities in 2023. This is part of our Let’s Go Together program. Over the last six months I have been talking…

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Renewed Determination

A fellow pastor walked up to me after the Funeral for one of our founders, Father William Treacy. She came to the the funeral to honor him. She was the first female pastor in the area. Father Treacy was the only pastor or priest in the area to reach out and welcome her. This is…

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Rising to Meet Antisemitism

Last spring I was honored to interview Devin Burghart from IREHR, the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights. We spoke about white nationalism and white Christian nationalism, how it threatens our democracy, and what we can do about it. This conversation has been much on my mind as we have seen Antisemitic statements,…

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Brave Conversations in first LGT Class

In the first week we focused on the unity in diversity of the world. In the monotheistic traditions this is grounded in one Creator, a set of common parents of all humanity, and thus our unity as a human family.  All too often the idea of one Creator is reduced to one religion about that Creator. This distorts the core teaching of monotheism, turning our recognition of each other as human into “us versus them.”

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US vs US

PTU is busy at work creating our Let’s Go Together resources. We have big plans, hopes, and dreams. But it is important in this moment to also attend to the small things, the little interactions, the small kindnesses, that can help open one another’s hearts to the fact that we are in this together. In fact, this kind of interaction is what Let’s Go Together is designed to create.

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