We All Hold Wisdom

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This last week I did a presentation to the Mount Vernon, WA Rotary Club about Let’s Go Together. I began the presentation with a question: How many of you are concerned about the divisiveness within our community? Every hand went up.

We discussed some of the many things that are dividing  us:

  • Loneliness
  • Technology driven change (primarily social media)
  • Climate change driven scarcity and dislocation
  • Racist ideas, attitudes, and policies
  • Historical Trauma
  • Economic inequality

And of course, that human beings are vulnerable to dividing ourselves up into US vs. THEM.

But the second question is, what can we do about it? I shared how LGT was the result of hundreds of conversations with people of all kinds of wisdom traditions. This is a key. We all hold wisdom to share with each other so that can help us move forward together.

I am so happy to report that since last week, we have added three people to the LGT planning team. We are in conversation with many more groups besides.

This was the first week when I thought to myself, “This thing is actually going to happen.” But if it does, it will be because we are willing to share our wisdoms, and listen to the the wisdom of one another.

Photo by Gabriel Jimenez on Unsplash