In my last couple blog posts, I talked about how existing community groups like churches and service organizations might be our best hope for addressing the dual crises of (individual) loneliness and (group) isolation in our country.
Upon further reflection, I realized it’s important to delve deeper into how we’ve reached our current state before discussing responses.
In his book The Upswing, Robert Putnam illustrates that by 2019, America had regressed to levels of economic inequality, political polarization, social isolation, and distrust reminiscent of the 1920s. His research indicates a steady decline in these areas since the mid-1960s.

However, three significant amplifiers of these trends aren’t fully captured in his analysis:
- Social Media
- COVID-19
- The interplay between the two
Social Media
Max Fisher, in his book The Chaos Machine, discusses a pivotal change at Facebook in 2015. The platform implemented a machine learning algorithm to determine which posts to promote or suppress. This system discovered that content inciting outrage, particularly against perceived out-groups, was most effective at maintaining user engagement. Consequently, posts depicting threats to one’s in-group by the immoral actions of an out-group were prioritized, turning the platform into a vehicle for dehumanizing narratives. Other social media companies adopted similar strategies, exacerbating societal divisions.
The pandemic further deepened our isolation. A notable incident involved a choir practice in Skagit County which became a super-spreader event, underscoring the dangers of group gatherings. Such events instilled a pervasive fear of social interactions. Many habitual group activities were disrupted and although institutions like mosques, temples, churches, and non-profits demonstrated resilience, the pandemic strained their capacities, limiting inter-group collaborations. Only just now is there enough energy to begin interacting again.
The Combined Impact
The necessity of social distancing led many to spend increased time on social media platforms. This shift reduced direct interpersonal interactions, replacing them with mediated perceptions of others. As a result, our sense of community eroded further.
Given these factors, it’s unsurprising that we find ourselves more isolated today. In my next piece, I will explore practical steps we can take to initiate a new “upswing” toward a more connected and thriving society.