Of Values and Vanity

Fuzzy man walking on hanging bridge vanishing in fog.

Take a look at any website, brochure, or board member handbook, and you’ll likely find a mission, vision, and a list of core values.

Sometimes these statements come from deep reflection and a real commitment to doing good in the world.

Other times, they seem more like marketing language—something meant to look good on paper.

Right now, we’re seeing values come under pressure. Nonprofits, universities, corporations, law firms, churches, mosques, temples, and many others are facing pushback, and some are changing course.

I recently spoke with a nonprofit leader in another part of the country. Their team was thinking about rewriting their values so they could continue to receive government grants and donations. Specifically, they were considering removing words like equity, diversity, justice, inclusion, and accessibility.

They told me, “We still believe in these things, but the current climate makes it hard to say them out loud.”

This was a Christian-based organization. I suggested they could still express those commitments—just in different language. For example, using the language of Christian Scripture:

  • One Creator means one humanity
  • Every person is made in the image of God
  • “I will give you as a light to the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth.” (Isaiah 49:6)
  • “As you have done it to the least of these, you have done it to me.” (Matthew 25)

I also suggested they could draw from the ideals in our founding documents:

  • All people are created equal
  • Endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights
  • Striving to form “a more perfect union”—which means we can name where things aren’t perfect and work to improve them
  • Freedom of religion—for all, whether we pray or not
  • Freedom of speech
  • Equal protection under the law

They appreciated the reframing.

But later, I found myself feeling unsettled.

First, because of how social and political pressure—sometimes coming from influential voices or government platforms—is discouraging organizations from freely expressing long-held commitments. That’s a troubling direction for a society that values freedom of thought and association.

Second, I was troubled by how quickly some organizations are willing to set aside their stated values.

Values are supposed to guide us—especially in hard times. If we drop them the moment things get uncomfortable, were they ever really values? Or were they just nice words—vanity dressed up as virtue?

Now, I do believe it’s wise to reflect on how we express our values. Language can change. We can adapt. Sometimes we need to go to the deep roots of our traditions instead of trendy words.

But if we keep retreating at the first sign of criticism, we have to ask: Were those values ever rooted in something deeper—or just convenient for a moment?

I feel the pressure, too.

But here at Paths to Understanding, our staff and board are trying our best to live our values—guided by the wisdom of many traditions, and grounded in curiosity, compassion, and courage.

Let’s be honest: giving up our values won’t protect us. In the long run, it weakens civil society, harms our democracy, and erodes our own integrity.

Our humanity—this beautiful gift from the Divine and from Life Itself—is too precious to abandon.

The more of us who choose to live our values—and risk for them—the more likely we’ll build the future we hope for.

And that future is worth the risk.

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