Renewed Determination

A fellow pastor walked up to me after the Funeral for one of our founders, Father William Treacy. She came to the the funeral to honor him. She was the first female pastor in the area. Father Treacy was the only pastor or priest in the area to reach out and welcome her. This is one of thousands of stories of how Father Treacy walked the path of working for unity in the human family.

He lived it out with all of his gentle might, his willingness to expand his vision, and his compassionate soul. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for that.

But here is the thing: We all are called to walk this path, too.

In the last seven years I have had conversations with Father Treacy, with Muslims and Jews, Buddhist leaders, Atheists and agnostics, Zoroastrians, Hindus, Indigenous elders, and more. Each tradition carries wisdom about how human beings can be divided from one another, how we can create unjust societies and economies. At the heart of each tradition is a yearning to honor the unity and diversity of the human family. These traditions all recognize that each person and each gathering of people are responsible to work for this unity.

It is on all of us to work for the unity in diversity of the human family. It’s on me. It’s on you.

With renewed determination, Paths to Understanding will continue our work for the unity in diversity of the human family. Our founders Rabbi Levine and Father Treacy and thousands of others have walked this path. Millions of people are walking it today.

So, look around you. Ask yourself how you can reach out and build relationships across differences. Ask yourself if groups you are a part of can engage in public partnerships with other groups. Join all those who, like Rabbi Levine and Father Treacy, walked the path of unity in diversity and found companionship on the way.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash