That’s a Lot to Deal With


I recently spent some time with a new family member. She asked what I do and I shared our Let’s Go Together project with her. I said it was one way to deal with the divisions and polarization of our time. She said, “Oh, that’s a lot to deal with.”

I get that sort of thing all the time. People think that any attempt to deal with the isolation of groups from each other, our polarization, and our loss of trust is beyond reach.

Except it isn’t.

It’s true we can’t fix the whole thing at once. It’s not a push a button kind of fix.

LGT seeks to remind us of something humans have done since we first encountered other tribes and clans around us: Share food, tell stories, do good with and for each other, and respect each other in public.

It is a simple, ancient, human strategy for creating a more peaceful world.

These next months you will be hearing about our work to form our first Let’s Go Together group in Skagit County. We hope to gather a LGT planning group by mid-March. These folks will lead outreach to neighbors and help create encounters between different communities of wisdom.

The loss of trust in our society is immense. It is a lot to deal with. We can only do the work within our reach. Knowing that the strategy is sound, that it is achievable, replicable, and can fit into our lives helps us offer our time and energy to do our part.

That is all we can be asked to do and it is enough.

Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash