I remember how I felt at this time last year—filled with hope and anticipation for our Let’s Go Together process in Skagit County. We had a plan, a new coordinator, and some courageous leaders and organizations willing to take a chance with us. At that point, about 10 people had signed up to participate.
In the months that followed, nearly 70 people from 25 different cultures, faith traditions and identities came together through Let’s Go Together. You can see the videos from those gatherings here: Let’s Go Together Playlist.
Now, as we prepare for the next round of Let’s Go Together in Skagit County, my hope and expectations are even stronger. We have an even greater diversity of organizations involved than last year. There’s still much to do and learn, but I feel more confident about the path we’re on and clearer about why this work matters so deeply.
A year ago, The Potluck Project didn’t even exist. But I was growing increasingly concerned about the fraying social fabric in our nation. In response, with our partners at Seattle University’s Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement, we created The Potluck Project. We developed a comprehensive toolkit and began sharing it across the country.
In the months that followed, people—especially those who participated in Let’s Go Together—began using the toolkit locally. We also hosted Potluck Project for Leaders events in Louisville, KT and San Antonio, TX. Now, we’re preparing for an extensive tour in the Pacific Northwest and one or two other regions. I am filled with hope and excitement for The Potluck Tour.
With our TV show and Paths to Understanding podcast, led by Jeff Renner, we will continue to bring together diverse voices for conversation. We will keep sharing stories that remind us how much we have in common and how our collective future depends on each of us.
Last year was a significant year for PTU.
I believe the year ahead will be even more impactful—and I look forward to the work ahead with gratitude and resolve. I look forward to doing this work with all of you!