Crossing the Divide Together


I was trying to make a decision the other day about some small matter. I noticed that I had to weigh various values and possibilities even in this small decision. And it was a fairly simple matter.

We live in a complex world, where each of us has various values to balance and where we also find ourselves in conversation with people who see things differently than we do. While we may share many values, our perspectives, personal experiences, ways to see history, and group affiliations also create different views and priorities in how we navigate this human life.

On top of all of this, we often only hear the worst about each other. It is easy to begin to think so poorly of each other and the world in which we live that we decide to withdraw. What use is the pain of engagement if there is no hope of making a positive difference?

The only response that matters to me is: Because crossing the divides and reaching for each other is central to being human.

As we near the end of our spring fundraiser, we are grateful for all of you who are actively participating in this journey to bridge bias and build unity. Thanks to your financial support, we can look forward to continuing our mission through new courses and a return to in-person events. If you haven’t yet contributed, please consider joining us in building this multi-faith movement. Grounded in each of our own wisdom traditions, we can cross these divides together.

Photo by Nicolas Messifet on Unsplash

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