Challenge 2.0 Episode 3: The Me Too Movement Was the Beginning – What’s Next?
Jeff Renner (00:00): The issues of sex abuse, harassment, and domestic violence gained prominence in 2016. In 2017, the Silence Breakers were named the Time Magazine Person of the Year. New stories of suffering and failure to prevent such suffering continue to emerge. We’ve documented the issues behind the Me Too Movement in a past…
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The result of false witness and collective blame is an increase in violence because of the fear, hate, and indifference that are created. We have seen a terrible rise in violence toward Asian Americans as former political leaders dubbed COVID-19 as the “China Virus.”
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People focused on power over others only want to win the game of dominance. When we stand together to support one another’s human rights, that is also power.
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We need something that connects us, not leads us down the wide path to destruction. We need to create unity between us.
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When people relate in mutual respect and find joy and purpose for the common good we become a signal of hope that we can live together given our cultural differences.
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It’s true. Islam shares many values and stories in common with Christianity and Judaism.
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