Let’s Go Together
Finding Calm When Engaging Difference
In today’s increasingly polarized society, it can be challenging to maintain calm and composed when engaging with people across political or ideological divides. Yet, these exchanges are essential for nurturing mutual understanding, empathetic connections, and social cohesion. How do we approach these often sensitive conversations without losing our cool? Understanding the Root of the Differences:…
Read MoreStrategies for Inclusion
Our goal with Let’s Go Together is to draw us out of our separated silos and begin to know one another, work for the common good, and respect each other in public. But there are many obstacles that keep us from seeing each other. We are not simply separated in silos, we human beings also…
Read MoreWe All Hold Wisdom
This last week I did a presentation to the Mount Vernon, WA Rotary Club about Let’s Go Together. I began the presentation with a question: How many of you are concerned about the divisiveness within our community? Every hand went up. We discussed some of the many things that are dividing us: Loneliness Technology driven…
Read MoreWho Sets the Tone
Yesterday I spoke to some pastors about Let’s Go Together. We invited their community to participate and to connect us to a leader or two that could take part in the LGT Planning Team. Like almost all leaders, they were very concerned about the loss of trust in each other, and the heated divisions in…
Read MoreRight Place and Right Time
Last week I joined the president of the PTU Board, Gregg Davidson, to talk with a non-profit leader in Skagit County. We made a proposal to him about our Let’s Go Together public partnership. We discussed the polarization that is happening in our culture and the sense of hopelessness people feel about it. Gregg and…
Read MoreThat’s a Lot to Deal With
I recently spent some time with a new family member. She asked what I do and I shared our Let’s Go Together project with her. I said it was one way to deal with the divisions and polarization of our time. She said, “Oh, that’s a lot to deal with.” I get that sort of…
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